Aeration System

Boosting resistance

Vivamus ultricies, lorem eget lobortis condimentum, nisl libero vehicula lacus, in porttitor nisi ante nec felis.

Stimulating the root system

Vivamus ultricies, lorem eget lobortis condimentum, nisl libero vehicula lacus, in porttitor nisi ante nec felis.


Vivamus ultricies, lorem eget lobortis condimentum, nisl libero vehicula lacus, in porttitor nisi ante nec felis.

Enhances mineral uptake

Vivamus ultricies, lorem eget lobortis condimentum, nisl libero vehicula lacus, in porttitor nisi ante nec felis.

Agrona Nanobubble system

The Nanobubble system of Agrona is the most efficient technology available to solve major problems with a Nanobubble. A healthy crop and a better root environment through oxygen-rich water. The system is plug-and-play and can be easily connected on site. To guarantee an optimal oxygen input, we recommend installing the Nanobubble system in the day supply or clean water silo. When used in conjunction with our oxygen meter, the oxygen level and temperature are saved and displayed on the computer every 5 minutes.

The Benefits

100% Oxygen in water
Mixing & circulating water
Optimizes bacterial life
Keeps drip line clean
Algae breakdown
Organic matter breakdown

How does the Nanobubble System work

Agrona's nanobubble system produces trillions of nano-sized bubbles with an average diameter of 75 nanometers. This provides a buoyancy that prevents them from rising and disappearing from the water after a long period. Nanobubbles are extremely small gas bubbles that have several unique physical properties. These properties make Nanobubbles a perfect aeration method for various applications around the world.

Importance of oxygen

Dissolved oxygen is the first defense against anaerobic bacteria and pathogens that cause contamination in the soil. Plants need oxygen and we all know that. It also encourages better root growth and a greater density of the fine root hairs, which are actually responsible for the absorption of water and minerals. Decrease in oxygen levels is caused by, among other things, organic pollution, biofilm in a drip system and due to stagnant water, the oxygen level drops to critical values ​​within an hour to even lower than 4 mg/l due to bacteria, among others.Various independent studies have shown. “More oxygen equals more yield”.
“Meer zuurstof is meer opbrengst”.

Agrona nanobubble system makes nanobubbles. The nano bubble contains pure oxygen and it mixes with the water.

Oxygen Concentrator

Agrona nanobubble system contains an oxygen concentrator that allows us to work with 100% oxygen.

Plug and play

The unit can be very easily connected to the basin or to the day supply silo. It is therefore plug-and-play and only consumes power and requires little maintenance.