Better Hair Roots and Cleaner Water with the OxyBull Aeration System
Agrona’s OxyBull aeration system ensures optimal oxygen concentration in both the water and root environment. XL Bloom Youngplants in De Lier has been using the system since March of this year. A powerful pump with a capacity of 60 m³/hour blows a large volume of air into the water, creating significant movement in the water.
“We believe in a lot of movement in the water. By blowing air with great force into the bottom of the silo, it creates a lot of movement. The OxyBull aeration system from Agrona does this with the highest capacity per hour. We can see the water in the silo really starting to churn,” says Michel van Rijn, Director of XL Bloom Youngplants.
This company produces 11 million anthurium cuttings annually in four laboratories across Europe and exports them to 53 countries worldwide. “We aim to produce 100% organically and stay up-to-date with biostimulants.” The OxyBull aeration system ensures healthy and vital crops, making cultivation easier.
Increased Oxygen Levels
A high oxygen content in water is essential for plant development. To achieve optimal oxygen intake, greenhouse horticulture businesses use the OxyBull aeration system.
Van Rijn explains, “In the return water silos, we blow air containing 19% oxygen. In a short time, we get an incredible amount of oxygen into the water. In the return water, we measure 5.5 ppm of oxygen. After a few hours of the OxyBull aeration system running, we measure 12.5 ppm of oxygen. When the water then goes through the UV sterilizer, we still measure 9.5 ppm the next day. Therefore, we must continuously aerate the water; otherwise, the oxygen levels drop.”
Before installing the OxyBull aeration system, the grower had the water analyzed, which revealed the presence of 25 types of fungi. “We always had a problem with fungi in the return water. After applying the aeration system, a new water analysis showed no fungi present.”
Positive Effects
The anthurium grower has noticed that the hair roots of the young plants are better, allowing them to absorb nutrients more effectively. “More oxygen results in more roots, leading to more shoot formation. This helps us achieve higher quality.”
A notable benefit is that the capacity of the UV sterilizer has doubled due to the clearer water from the aeration. “The capacity increased from 3 to 6 m³/hour per sterilizer. Just for that reason alone, you would want an OxyBull aeration system!”
Interested growers who want to see the operation and results of the OxyBull aeration system can schedule an appointment with Michel van Rijn. “Because when you share knowledge, you get it back.”
Contact Information
XL Bloom
Oudecampsweg 8
2678 KN De Lier
T: +31 (0)174 403 830
E: Michel@XL-Bloom.com
Website: www.xl-bloom.com
Agrona B.V.
Leeuwenhoekstraat 56
2652 XL Berkel en Rodenrijs
T: +31 (0) 10. 7371451
E: info@agrona.nl
Website: www.agronagroup.com