Podcast – ‘Bioreactor keeps crop in optimal condition’

Listen back to our radio broadcast about the BioReactor at Hortibiz Newsradio! ️

Last Monday, Agrona was given the opportunity to participate in a broadcast of Hortibiz Newsradio, the radio station for the horticultural sector. In conversation with Ben Hoogendoorn (Commercial Manager) and Nancy Slingerland (Marketing and Communication Specialist) of HCTS, Agrona’s BioReactor was discussed, among other things. The microbiological reactor activates microbiological life to suppress or break down pathogenic fungi.

Some of the discussed advantages of the BioReactor:
– Protection against mold – A high oxygen supply activates bacteria that prevent diseases.

– Vital and healthier crop – The BioReactor system ensures a necessary balance and results in a more vital crop.

– Improves the absorption of fertilizers – The nitrification process is improved for better absorption of fertilizers.

Did you miss the broadcast and would you like to know more about the advantages? Listen to the podcast here: https://rb.gy/spuh56