No More Polluted Silos In Horticulture!

Water silos in horticulture are necessary for every grower. The large amount of water storage is necessary for the crop and every company has one too. It goes without saying that silos also become contaminated and bacteria, fungi and algae end up in the water, which is detrimental to the oxygen level and water quality. A low oxygen level has an adverse effect on the crop and a contaminated silo has an adverse effect on drip lines for the silo itself. Plants need good water with enough oxygen to grow vigorously. Standing water does not help with this. But what can you do about stagnant water?

June 20, 2019
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Water silos in horticulture are necessary for every grower. The large amount of water storage is necessary for the crop and every company has one too. It goes without saying that silos also become contaminated and bacteria, fungi and algae end up in the water, which is detrimental to the oxygen level and water quality. A low oxygen level has an adverse effect on the crop and a contaminated silo has an adverse effect on drip lines for the silo itself. Plants need good water with enough oxygen to grow vigorously. Standing water does not help with this. But what can you do about stagnant water?

Cause Polluted Silos

First of all, how come the silos are polluted? A good reason why water is polluted is because there is little or no oxygen left in the water. The reason that the water becomes oxygen-free is because biofilms are formed by organic substances in the water. The water must keep moving so that organic pollution is broken down by oxygen. These negative microorganisms consume the oxygen when the water is still. If nothing is done about this, the oxygen level will be low and the water quality will drop. A consequence of this is organic contamination in the silo and contaminated drip lines. This is also important to promote plant vitality and to get better root development for the crop.

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