Boosting resistance

Vivamus ultricies, lorem eget lobortis condimentum, nisl libero vehicula lacus, in porttitor nisi ante nec felis.

Stimulating the root system

Vivamus ultricies, lorem eget lobortis condimentum, nisl libero vehicula lacus, in porttitor nisi ante nec felis.


Vivamus ultricies, lorem eget lobortis condimentum, nisl libero vehicula lacus, in porttitor nisi ante nec felis.

Enhances mineral uptake

Vivamus ultricies, lorem eget lobortis condimentum, nisl libero vehicula lacus, in porttitor nisi ante nec felis.

The perfect solution for the filtration of water

Agrona offers the perfect solution for the filtration of water without backwashing water, as is the case with sand filters and self-cleaning filters. This solution is the APF filter System. Greenhouse horticulture must comply with stricter legislation in the field of drainage. That means substantial investments in water treatment plants. The APF filter System reduces the investment in water purification and reduces the purification costs. The APF filter System is reliable and easy to use for removing dirt out of the water. The system works without pressure, which saves on energy costs of pumps. The filtering process is visible and simple.

The Benefits

Maintenance and user friendly
Simple design
Made from stainless steel 316
Filters up to 5 microns
Fully automatic

Fully automatic

APF filter System is an automatic filter that filters the water through a clothfilter . All the rinse water that occurs with sand filters and self-cleaning filters can be filtered with the APF filter System. This system can be installed before and after the disinfection system. The water is guided over the APF filter System, leaving the dirt on the cloth. The APF filter System removes the undissolved substances up to 5 microns from the water.

Working principle

APF filter System is an automatic filter that filters the water through a clothfilter. All the rinse water that occurs with sand filters and self-cleaning filters can be filtered with the APF filter System. This system can be installed before and after the disinfection system. The water is guided over the APF filter System, leaving the dirt on the cloth. The APF filter System removes the undissolved substances up to 5 microns from the water. After a certain period (depending on the amount of particulate matter in the water) the cloth will compact and the water level will rise. A float then ensures that a transport motor becomes operational and the contaminated cloth moves to an new piece of cloth. Thanks to a handy rotary system there is always clean and properly functioning filter cloth available. The used filter cloth, containing the collected dirt, automatically falls into the waste bin and can be deposited in an environmentally friendly way. There is 50 meters of cloth on a roll easy to change. The Agrona APF filter System is available in various capacities: 7, 14, 21 and approximately 28 m3 / hour.

Technical Data

7, 14, 21 and approximately 28 m3 / hour

Dimensions outside:
Length 1.25 x width 0.80 x height 1.40 m

Water passage bottom:
Length 0.70 x width 0.50 m

Fabric width and length:
Width 0.70 m x length 50 m

Cloth filter fully implemented in:
Stainless steel 316
Electrical Switch:
230 Volt power supply (consumption around 20 Watt per hour)

Level switch adjustable:

Overflow protection adjustable:

Roll protection:
End of roll with signal protection on electrical switch

Maintenance APF filter System:
Virtually no maintenance required.